Sponsors 2017
Take time to support our Sponsors, with out them we would not have been able to groom as much as we do.

Valley Yamaha Suzuki, Port Williams, 902-542-7678 www.valleyyamaha-suzuki.com/home
show your club membership card =10% discount on parts and accessories
Ledge’s Edge Lodge, East Dalhousie, 902-547-2741 http://www.ledgesedge.com/
Cobequid Mountain Sports, Collingwood, 902-686-3218 http://www.cobmtn.ca/
Convenience In The Woods, East Dalhousie, 902-547-2741
BMI Limited, Bridgewater, 902-543-2446 http://www.bmiltd.ca/
A A Munro Insurance, Greenwood, Bridgewater, 800-565-3990 http://www.aamunro.com/
Pleasantville Signs, Bridgewater, 543-6905 www.pleasantvillesigns.com/
James E Barkhouse Trucking, Hemford, 644-2460
Bernard L. Mailman Projects, Bridgewater, 543-3936 http://www.mailmanprojects.ca/
Rona New Germany Building Supplies, 902-644-2761 http://www.rona.ca/
Farmers Family Diner, 902-847-1900
Savage Fuels, Middleton, 902-825-6825, just off trail #101W
Robar’s Gas & Convenience Irving, New Germany, 902-644-3450, just off trail #10
Shore Cycle, Martins Point, 902-627-2706 http://www.shorecycle.com/
Fraser’s Pro Home Centre, www.frasers.ca
Connell Chrysler, Middleton, 825-3471 www.connellchryslerdodge.com
Privateers Harley Davidson Arctic Cat Halifax, 444-4647 www.privateershd.com
Turner and Turner Lumber, Westnorthfield, 527-2200
Full Throttle, Dartmouth,435-0307, www.fullthrottlepowersports.net
Car Quest Nictaux, 825-1853
G W Sampson Co, Kingston, 765-3357, www.gwsampson.com
T. Johnson Construction, 861-1667
Tim A Daniels Excavating, New Germany, 902-644-7066
WR Bolivar Transport, Bridgewater, 888-621-7041, www.wrbolivar.com/
Nova International, Aylesford, 902-847-3468, www.novaintl.ca/index.htm
Rick Balsor Welding, Aylesford, 902-847-9304
West Nova Fuels, Wilmot, 902-765-2769,
Middleton Motel and Suites, Middleton, 825-3433 www.middletonmotel.ca/
Weir’s Auto, Wilmot, 765-4421
Freedom Cycle, Halifax, 450-0020 www.freedomcycle.ca
Kings Equipment, Kentville, 678-0866 www.kingsequipment.com
Carstar Quality Collision Service, Bridgewater, 543-2654 www.carstar.ca
Bridgewater Glass, Bridgewater, 543-2537
Shay Trailer Sales, Berwick, 538-1155
OCR. Oak Hill, 530-2363
A & DC Electric, 497-5098
Metro Collision Shop, Halifax, 455-5216
Neighborhood Realty, 456-8001
Pothier Motors, Falmouth, 865-4351
A W Allan and Sons Home Hardware, Middleton, 825-4854 www.allenshbc.ca
Angie’s Family Restaurant, Middleton, 363-2238
Best Western Plus, Bridgewater, 530-0101
Community Metal, Kingston, 765-2799, www.communitymetal.com
Dwight’s Mobile Welding, Hebbville, 527-2787
Green Diamond, Middleton, 825-3042, Kentville, 678-5555 green-diamond.ca
Go Powersports, New Minas, 855-681-3382 gopowersports.ca
Halifax Motorsports, Goodwood, 442-4046, halifaxmotorsports.com
Tim Robar Construction, Margaretsville, 825-2647,
Trevor Creaser Cabinetry, Baker Settlement, 685-2056, creaserscabinetry.com
UPS Store, Bridgewater, 527-0002